I'm Hein Htet San πŸ‘‹

I'm a student at the University of Computer Studies Yangon, passionate about Software Engineering. I'm also interest in Maching Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Join me in the tech-creative blend! πŸ“Œ

Who Am I? πŸ™‚

Hello! I'm a passionate Software Engineering student in my 4th semester at the University of Computer Studies Yangon. I specialize in creating engaging websites and robust Java Enterprise applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, and MySQL. My academic journey has provided me with a strong foundation in data structures, algorithms, and programming languages like Java and C++. I also focus on Knowledge Engineering, delving into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. With design skills honed using Figma, I bring a creative touch to every project. Explore my portfolio to see the fusion of coding expertise and design finesse

+959 761 349 721
Yangon, Thongwa Township
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